Special Artwork

Magic Boy
I did a series of large scale triptychs in watercolour involving intutive connections between people, plants, and birds. To this young boy I gave some magic ability. The painting is a 29"h x 14 1/2"w watercolour on paper.
My Games series of watercolours were imaginative versions of games and puzzles and origami creatures. This watercolour, “Arbutus Puzzle” is part of that series. It is 13”h x 21”w, created in Golden Rectangle Proportions. It was fun to make an actual puzzle out of the painted image of a Mayne Island arbutus (madrone) tree, and then paint that puzzle. Paintings in the Games series were exhibited in many venues, including the UBC Faculty Club.

Manhole Cover
In the City of Vancouver Design Competition for manhole covers, my design won the Grand Prize of free admission to cultural events and museums for a year, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The commission to execute the cast iron covers was won by the Coast Salish artist Susan
A. Point.
Magic Dwelling
These sculptures are made of silk and magic. They defy gravity, with no hands reaching for them or eating them. These domestic objects can be appreciated by everyone who eats. They are not real household items covered in silk; the armatures inside are wood, wire, stone, cardboard, plastic, and cotton. Each sculpture is hand sewn of many types and colours of silk. These are larger than life, both familiar and uncanny. I am interested in the preparation and politics and culture of food. Made of the long-lasting medium of silk fabric, I serve this food for everyone to see. Eight of these sculptures were on display in the North Vancouver City Hall foyer.

Can of Lima Beans
height: 13 1/2" diameter: 11 1/2"
silver grey, green, & orange silk
All images on this website are copyright Julie Emerson.
If you use my images, you are stealing.

Noodles in a Bowl with Chopsticks
height: 24” diameter:10 ½”
ivory, red, & black silk