Ukraine Spring - Standing Strong in 2022
My book of 44 watercolour paintings and paragraphs about the people and culture of Ukraine is available now. After Ukraine was invaded by Russia on February 24th, 2022, I researched and painted a series of vignettes about life in Ukraine from March to May. I will donate all the proceeds of Ukraine Spring – Standing Strong in 2022 to humanitarian non-military efforts in Ukraine, so we can support the defense and reconstruction of this independent country.
Many paintings in the book are below. You can find out about the people, animals, food, locales, arts, and self-defense of Ukraine. You can buy the paperback book to keep. At your local bookshop, order it from the bookseller. Or order it from an online store around the world! Ukraine Spring – Standing Strong in 2022 (ISBN 978-0-9917364-4-7) by Julie Emerson.
If you want to donate to help the people in Ukraine now, look into:
The Canada-Ukraine Foundation https://www.cufoundation.ca and Doctors without Borders https://www.msf.org/Ukraine and medical supplies Direct Relief https://reliefweb.int and Nova Ukraine https://novaukraine.org/